A limited liability company is a business entity that can be formed by a single person or a group of people. There are many advantages to forming a LLC including limited personal liability for business debts, ownership flexibility, and pass-through taxation. Forming a LLC is a great decision for many startup companies and traditional small businesses.
Formation of a Delaware LLC is a popular choice among startups and small business owners. CONTACT US for more information about forming a LLC in Delaware or in your home state. If you practice a profession that requires a professional entity (PLLC or PC) please visit our Form a Professional Business Entity Page.
Delaware LLC Formation: $2000 Flat Fee
- LLC name availability check
- Registered Agent set up and one year of registered agent service
- Preparation of Certificate of Formation
- File Certificate of Formation with Delaware Department of State
- Preparation of Single-Member Operating Agreement
- Obtain EIN from IRS (Employer Identification Number)
- 24 Hour Expedited Processing Included
- Pay online with credit card or debit card. Contact us to get started!