Trademarking the name of your small business can be beneficial for marketing purposes. Almost all small businesses use some form of online marketing and from an SEO standpoint having the exclusive rights to your business name can help in your search ranking.

If a successful trademark registration is obtained, the United States Patent and Trademark Office will not allow subsequent applicants to register the same mark or a mark that’s “confusingly similar” therefore securing a registration can be an excellent tool to prevent and deter others from using your name. The USPTO also maintains a database that lists trademark registrants and information about their mark, which serves as a deterrent to new businesses performing due diligence on potential names. As a result, trademark owners benefit from decreased search competition for their claimed marks.

Whether your marketing efforts are centered around organic search, online business listings, or PPC campaigns, we recommend creating a strong brand identity and securing the related trademarks. For more information on how to create a strong trademark feel free to read this short article.

Most small businesses don’t have the time or resources to deal with trademark infringement disputes, thus taking the basic steps to register and protect your business name is a smart choice. Contact us if you have questions about registering a trademark for your small business!