Performing a trademark search is recommended before filing a trademark application due to the time, expenses and filing fee required to file a trademark application. A proper clearance search will also reduce the likelihood of being sued for trademark infringement. Our in-house trademark search is designed to identify previously registered conflicting trademarks and assess the likelihood of obtaining a federal trademark registration with the USPTO in advance.

Our trademark search focuses on identifying similar federally registered trademarks in the USPTO TESS database. We also search a combination of state trade trademark databases, international trademark databases, common law databases, business directories and social media websites to provide you with a reasonably comprehensive overview of the current use of your proposed trademark. After the search is completed we can discuss the results with you via phone or we provide you with a written opinion letter that outlines the key findings, search strategy, citations of databases searched, and overall recommendations. Please CONTACT US for more information.

Trademark Search: $500
    • Comprehensive in-house federal trademark search
    • Phone consultation regarding trademark search results